Established In 1972
Superior Washer has devoted itself to a program of consistent improvement and automation of equipment and techniques to produce a better product.
Today, with two modern manufacturing plants, one in New York and the other in South Carolina, we offer the capability and facilities to provide state-of-the-art production of washers, shims and small stampings at very competitive prices on special and standard size washers; with little or in most cases no tooling charges and with immediate delivery from stock or three weeks or less scheduled delivery.
Quality control is a top priority.
All our products must meet the requirements as set forth in our ISO-9001 Registered Quality Program. Continuous technical supervision by experienced personnel has resulted in an enviable record of Just-In-Time production to meet tight delivery schedules.
Our facilities, which are fully automated and computerized, enable us to produce washers and stampings to exact customer specifications. We are able to promptly fill any customer's request and order regardless of which branch is contacted. Superior is justifiably proud of its record in satisfying customer demands and has been the recipient of numerous awards for "excellence of product" and "guaranteed delivery" service.
Leading The Field
Since the beginning, we've devoted ourselves to developing the most advanced methods of producing washers, gaskets, shims, and small stampings. We take pride in the quality of products we produce; however, our first priority is customer service. Prompt service and careful attention to detail is the basic reason we have been able to grow and attract the firms we serve. Today we are privileged to serve many of America's "Blue Chip" companies.
Superior manufactures the products it sells and utilizes state-of-the-art equipment in its modern, fully air conditioned plants, supervised by experienced personnel. We can utilize any material from Aluminum and Brass to Titanium and Viton® with new material being added regularly. Production covers thicknesses from .0005 through .250 with over 40,000 square feet of raw material in our warehouses to draw upon.
Our inventory of washers and shims are among the largest and most comprehensive in the industry. The ability to control every aspect of the manufacturing process provides a wide latitude in scheduling rush orders and special emergencies. Our in-plant machine shops will custom make a die to your specifications if it's not in our inventory of thousands of dies. Our experience is at your service to provide assistance in choosing the proper washer. Your requests for quotations are promptly filled.
Just Say You Need A SPD
With over 100 HIGH SPEED POWER PRESSES, Superior now offers SPD (Superior Premium Delivery). We now can produce those special washers with a 5 to 7 day turnaround without affecting our normal scheduling. If you have any questions or comments please contact us.
Our Commitment To Lawful Hiring Practices
Superior Washer & Gasket Corp. proudly participates in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's IMAGE program. Learn more.